Yesterday I attended a local peace event. It was 9/11 and was in response, sort of, to the Florida pastor who shook the world with his aborted and misguided plans to burd Qurans. Our gathering had messages of peace from representatives or leaders from Baha'i, Buddhist, Christian, Sikh, Jewish, Mormon, Muslim, Religiouss Science, Unaffiliated, and Unitarian faiths. Also singing, gospel readings, and poetry.
It was a lovely event. I left feeling (besides sad that I was leaving)very close to many people I don't know.
I am grateful for the people who shared prayers from their faith, and to the organizers of this event, for bringing so many together in peace, right here in my little town.
I was impressed also that we were exercising most of our First Amendment rights--speech, religion, assembly, press (a TV crew was there). All we lacked was petitioning the government. A fine event for the exercise of our First Amendment rights to promote peace right here where we live.
Peace, y'all
5 days ago
1 comment:
I haven't let you know recently that I still read your posts. Keep up the good work on "carbon" and peace work.
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