Day 10 of the retail abstinence. Either 21, 18, or 11 days to go, depending on trips during which I'll need to buy food on the road and could get a latte as well (milk plus buzz--why ever not?).
I am encouraged. I am at worst, 1/3 through this and the only hard part is lattes. The rest is a snap. I think I could easily go retail-free every other day, or weeks at a time, besides the coffee element.
I have wondered what I would turn TOWARD as I said no to most retail temptation (I still buy gas, bread, milk, meds). I am still asking. I know I'm enjoying my regular coffee more and I think I have more time and am getting more done. That's about it. So far.
I browsed in a catalog from Northen Sun, just packed with T shirts, posters, buttons and bumperstickers that say YES to me. A few really resonated, such as the one where people were worshipping the coffee cup, and the How-to-make-community posters, and the "Who would Jesus Bomb?" bumpersticker.
Who would Jesus bomb? Dear God, what a question. I think the answer is "no one, today." I don't know about the past or future. But Jesus represents love and forgiveness to me, and nothing about love and forgiveness supports bombing.
I moved through yesterday thinking "what can I do today to make the world a better place?" And I came up with a few answers. I turned down the thermostat. I smiled at people. I didn't rise (or sink) into the arguments my spouse was throwing my way.
And I didnt' bomb anyone.
Peace, y'all
5 days ago
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