Saturday, May 8, 2010

Bye bye, beads!

Today I sent the beads (what few were left) back to Bead for LIfe, along with a large wad of checks.

I raised $2530!

Last week I went to the BeadforLife website and clicked a link to an article about it by Nicholas Kristof. I went through the comments, thinking to add one of my own about what a spiritually nourishing and FUN experience it was for me.

What a gold mine! Many of the commenters gave links to other wonderful-looking groups like Bead for Life. I marked them as favorites and can't wait to go back and consider them more carefully.

Okay, the bead chapter is over, now on to other peacemaking efforts, but what? I enjoy seeing what unfolkds.

Today I will start my first -ever loaf of sourdough bread. The yeast are yearning for flour as I write! Also tonight, dinner with cousins Carol and Peter, from Boston, who are bicyling across the U.S. Both are uber-obstetric radiologists, and on the way they are lecturing at medical facilities to prepare others for their board exams. And they are updating a book, and blogging. Check it out!

Peace, y'all


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