Friday, September 23, 2011

Moving planet day is tomorrow

Tomorrow's the big day for's big event, Moving Planet. In dozens of countries, hundreds of communities.

I will not drive that day. Not because I'm using an alternative means, just because I'll be at a camp for the weekend.

Last few days I have not driven. When I do drive, it's in a hybrid. So I have some room for improvement, probably other areas will be more fruitful in my personal quest to lower carbon levels.

How about you?

Peace, y'all


1 comment:

Lynn Fitz-Hugh said...

Hi Molly Dove:
so I was just googling something and I discovered your blog with several entries reflecting upon an article I wrote in Friends Journal about personal peacemaking. That was in 2008 - I now have a blog of my own:
It has the article posted on it as well as all the others one published in FJ and more - hopefully interesting stuff. One always wonders when you write stuff whether anyone reads it so it was fun to see that someone was indeed reading it.
Peace, Lynn Fitz-Hugh